Sender lagi ada masalah terus keinget moment pas hinata lagi di brazil, seketika termotivasi banget😭

Emang buat ngeraih mimpi tuh ternyata sesulit itu ya.. banyak yang harus dikorbanin, hinata keren banget bisa lewatin itu semua👏🏻

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*hq warning SPOILER

dengan sifat noya yang supel dan asik, pas petualangannya mas noya sampe ke brazil, italia, rusia, argentina, polandia, dan perancis kira-kira dia bakal meet up sama hinata, kageyama, yaku, oikawa, ushijima, dan tendou ga ya? 🤔

3 90

Hi. I'm from Brazil, doing some cute artworks.
My website: https://t.co/Aur1r4m3qo

Other social medias: Artstation/Deviantart/Instagram/Facebook:

0 1

Hi. ^^
I'm from Brazil, doing some cute artworks.
My website: https://t.co/Aur1r4m3qo

Other social medias: Artstation/Deviantart/Instagram/Facebook:

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Warning spoiler *HQ

Alasan Hinata nyoba boli pantai selain dari nyoba hal baru itu apa ya guys? I mean, kenapa ga diperdalam aja boli indoornya? Emang sih skill dia jadi lebih mumpuni semenjak graduated from Brazil, dan teknik penguasaan lapangannya juga mantap banget. Wdyt?

5 116

Thank you for doing shows here in South America, you made us a little happier, And speaking about Brazil, We appreciate you listening to us, so I made this draw for you.. please come more often ♥️🇧🇷

37 157

Warning spoiler *HQ

Mau nanya lagi, Hinata selesai graduated dari Brazil, kenapa ga langsung aja berkarir di Brazil dan masuk tim Brazil kek Asas Sao Paulo ya? Kenapa ambil jalan ke MSBY dulu baru tuh ke Asas Sao Paulo?

9 250

I wrongly colored the flag of Brazil, here is a variant with the correct color xd

7 19

"Is This The Death Of The Dollar?"

is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. They are countries that want to free themselves from the dollar-based US hegemony.
~ Ben Garrison

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I'm Botan, nonbinary (they/she) from Brazil, and still finding myself out there!

Here are some of my artworks featuring trans/nb characters! <3

21 58

Esta mujer que ves acá, Natasha. Ella fue una gran narcotraficante comparable a Pablo Escobar, en Brazil, entre los años 70 a 90's, ella lidero el cartel de Rio de Janeiro y si lo preguntan, si, ella conocio a Pablo Escobar. Aunque hoy en dia carga con la culpa de lo que hizo

1 2

apparently "Maude" is a German name and not French as I thought - my character Maude originally had a French accent before I just made her French-Brazilian. I guess there is a decent amount of Germans in Brazil, but they're usually white and southern... hmm.

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Just have a Feverish, so...no drawings yet until i get better and i know that my bday is tomorrow (February 26th here on Brazil, but yeah...i see y'all another day

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Oii! I'm an artist from Brazil, I like to draw furries

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© Luiz Carlos Carrera (Brazil, b. 1959)

7 18

Hey I'm a autistic transmasc from brazil, current I can't draw because my computer is dead

5 30

We proudly present the "Rio Flavors Celebration" - powered by 🧑‍🍳 A whole month of content on how to cook traditional recipes from Rio and Brazil, starting today!

6 22

✨Hi everyone, I'm Lucas Gaspar, Digital Artist from Brazil, my artworks are focused on cartoon style and pop universe, I'm open for works, if you're interested please call me on DM or email: .com


6 20

Awesome! Thanks for the opportunity <3 I'm Botan, NB and queer artist from Brazil, and I love to paint fantasy themes and queer characters. Here are my ⛓️s, and I also accept non-commercial c*mmissions :)


5 7

Unfortunately I can't take full body pictures atm but I'll try to update this thread later 😭 Here's some pictures from before the refurb, +the updated ref showing the new design.
Looking for offers over U$2k + shipping. (keep in mind I'm shipping from Brazil, so it'll be costy)

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