Day 11: Ground type!

Sandalia the Krokorok! I will not elaborate on why she has that name

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Day 10: Grass type!

Bubba the Venusaur my beloved

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Day 9: Ghost type!

yes i name every duskull I have sans, no i will not apologize

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Day 7: Fire type!

I don't remember the name of this baby but i think it was Dario, anyways! Almost forgot to post today whoops

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Day 6: Fighting type!

Shane the Scrafty! I don't have much to say I just love him a lot

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Day 5: Fairy type!

Pandora the Aromatisse! This is another redesign from a very old oc and honestly I love the glow up

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Day 3: Dragon type!

Ulu the Goodra! They're named after another oc I have who is also a goo blob

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Day 2: Dark type!

Kanda the Mightyena! I have this oc since I was 12 y/o and he has gone through many redesigns

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Day 1: Bug type!

Patchi the Venonat! She's one of my fav designs

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