Today! Saturday 18 January

‘Dressing up the past in Warwickshire’
Pageant 1906 & it’s impact on the C20 pageant movement.

Join us for our first daytime talk - at St Michael’s Church Centre, Budbrooke, Warwick CV35 8QL

All welcome, just £3 on the door for non-members

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Tomorrow Saturday 18 January

‘Dressing up the past in Warwickshire’
Pageant 1906 & it’s impact on the C20 pageant movement.

This, our first daytime talk is at St Michael’s Church Centre, Budbrooke, Warwick CV35 8QL

All welcome, just £3 on the door for non-members

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‘Dressing up the past in Warwickshire’

Pageant 1906 & it’s impact on the C20 pageant movement.

Our first daytime talk is on Saturday 18 January at 2pm (tea/ coffee from 1:30) at St Michael’s Church Centre, Budbrooke, Warwick CV35 8QL

£3 on the door for non-members

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Our daytime talk on the Warwick 20th Century Pageant Movement is on Saturday 18th January, 2 pm (tea/coffee from 1.30 pm), at St Michael’s Church Centre, Church Lane, Budbrooke, Warwick. CV35 8QL. £3 non members, no need to book.

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Dread Admiral, Zumeanie and Bud Brother from Dragon Quest

63/64/65 - 307

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