Snivy, Buneary, Budew, Oddish,-

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A new regional variant from the Argha region, this is Arghan Budew, Roselia and their new evolution, Glamorose!
They live and bloom on top of snowy mountains and they're capable to skate around like they're in ice (except Budew)

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growlithe, budew, and their BFF (big fish friend)

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After getting the first gym badge I went on a long LONG journey with boring stuff to get to the second gym but didn't actually fight there. On the way I caught Budew, Raticate, Flaffy, Chansey, Beldum, Pikachu, Gulpin and a Hoppip (haven't drawn all of them btw)

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Yesterday while streaming I caught a who pretty much obliterated all the rock pokemon in her path and was a huge part in taking on the first gym leader (and the only good move she knows right now is absorb 🤣)

Don't mess with Rosie.

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I was inspired to draw Budew, the perfect little guy :)

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Was shiny hunting in Eterna Forest for Budew, ended up going home with 4 shiny Wurmples and Silcoon!! Maybe next time the shiny bud will be mine!!!

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Fun fact: Starting in XY, every Legendary/Mythicals are guaranteed to have 3 Perfect IVs. However, this mechanic was put on the entire Unknown Egg Group. This was fixed in ORAS, but it means wild Togepi, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Budew, Chingling, Riolu and Mantyke will have 3 Max IVs

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Safarian Budew, Roselia and Roserade. The first two stages are Steel/Grass and the last one is Steel/Fairy

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Felt like drawing an evolutionary line of Here’s Budew, Roselia, and Roserade!

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Fun Fact:
Budew, Munchlax, and Toxel all share a detail where they possess a marking on them that resembles a bib, which references how they are Baby Pokemon(and also double as to reference the gluttonous nature for Munchlax's case)

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Thank you guys for another AMAZING STREAM! You guys blew me away with the amount of support & love you all shared & I can’t thank you enough. We caught some new friends this steam and have 2 more to draw at the start of next steam! Meet Mtn.Budew, Kenya, and Resanzen 💖

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jolly's fave pokemon mini illustrations part 1: Rose Friends 🌹! Budew, Roselia and Roserade, my most favourite pokemon ♥

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Here is my second artwork, still dedicated to my graphic training. I present you Budew, a new shape for (already created in pixel art by Pixame).

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No worries he’s happy with his Budew, both thinking of you.

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Kurian Budew, one of the Kurian pokemon i made for !!!

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My precious little Budew, Bupp.

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if u guessed Budew, you are right

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