It ain't worlds without Thresh & Leesin I guess..
Happy to see Hecarim nerfs but I swear he's only picked when he's busted and never when he's close to balance.

I hope this worlds patch develops a great meta to watch and enjoy, Kinda hyped for this one for once.

2 33

This patch got me torn honestly..
On one hand I'm happy to see Tarik getting attention <3
But damn yall hit Swain's W Hard, Base down & Ratio?
Let the man breathe, before he becomes a support again.

Wish more niche champs were adjusted, but all in due time I guess.

1 90

I'm honestly glad Hullbreaker is getting some type of Nerf, Gonna hurt it's main users, but I'm all for balance.

Would love the item to just have adaptive force and scale to 50 or something, so some AP tops like Singed that tend to split can also utilize it.


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