So jealous of a real President of the United States President Barack Obama, time to send this fake TV watching PACKING!

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Up to over 170,00 dead Americans who could have been prepared and protected, except the self centered BoneSpurBunkerBaby was “in charge”

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Nobody has respect for you anymore, It's time to resign.

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tRump’s suicide machine! Step right up, sign you’re waiver and breath deep. Capt. BoneSpurs is serving the latest Kool-aid flavor, Covi-19

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I remember making something very similar in the early days of his presidency.

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BoneSpurs BunkerBaby tRump’s suicide machine opening soon. Don’t forget to sign your “ I won’t sue, if the president kills me.” Paperwork!

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.#BunkerBaby Lied again, we all knew he was rushed to the basement to cower in the corner and turned off the lights. So claims we can't have protests in our country, since when did that get taken out of the constitution

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A Portrait of Cowardice: Trump’s bunker “inspection” during

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“But MAGA is Make America Great Again. By the way, they love African American people. They love black people. Maga loves the black people.”

Gouache and ink on paper.

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