In Myanmar,#Christmas is full of tragedy and terror.Our fellow Christians were burnt to death as well as many more are internally displaced due to the terrorist military's offensive warfare.We cannot celebrate Christmas this year.#BurntAliveByJunta

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Today,>35 ppl,including refugee children and women,were burned to death by terrorist SAC in Phruso,#Kayah State. Total of 49 civilians were burnt alive, including those killed in the Salingyi and Kalay incidents in

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The international community and the have the responsibility to use all necessary means to help protect the people of Myanmar from committed by the junta through concrete actions.

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Junta've brutally staged thousands of war-crimes up to GENOCIDE on Rohingya & ethnic groups for many years.
After the coup, Junta have just conducted shoots DEAD, tortures to death, ignition to houses & on Innocent Civilians.

Is the world very sure at meeting?

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