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New NFT art in combination with a real life businessplan, blue chip NFT investment strategy.

Minting on Sunday Jan 30th.

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"gechillt" ;D

Ich muss noch an businessplan Dingen arbeiten und morgen dann ein Strömchen als Ausgleich. Ich hoffe ihr habt ganz viel Spaß. ✨

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Babies are as pure as angels and as fresh as blossoming flowers. Their smiles are packaged sunshine and rainbows💕☀️🌈

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You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

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Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious.
Comedy is an escape, not from truth but from despair; a narrow escape into faith.

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Comedy is a serious business. A serious business with only one purpose. To make people laugh. Laughter is timeless.

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Dance like no one is watching and sing like no one is listening.
Anime characterisation for USD 2.5 (Ksh 250) with a 6 hour delivery timeline

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Include health in your business plan - Fork In The Road - Experiment 4.5 Starting

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