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as we all wrestle with the latest affronts to decency and humanity care of Hair Führer, always good to reflect on Hillary's emails. #ButHerEmails #LockHerUp #HillaryWasRight #TrumpLiedPeopleDied #DontPanic #unpresidented
Fog of Impeachment by @theamat and me. That's a lot of resignations, subpoenas, and denials for a #NothingBurger #Ukrainegate #ImpeachmentHearings #TrumpImpeachment #SecretServer #ButHerEmails
Government emails on a private server?! There's only one thing to do. #LockHerUp! My latest syndicated #politicalcartoon on @gocomics. #LockUpIvanka #IvankasEmails #Politics #Opinion #ButHerEmails