Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg donned a hard hat and finally visited East Palestine, Ohio.

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‘“Knock, Knock” (On Cimon and Pero)’, ‘“On Evolutionary Allotistic Comfort” (After Courbet's 'The Sleepers')’, ‘“On Melanie Klein, and a Mother's Breast” (After Goodridge)’, ‘“A Mermaid Feeding her Young” (After Giulio Romano)’ - Gabriel Buttigieg


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Photo Mosaic Manipulation of Pete Buttigieg by Charis Tsevis

1 3

Pete Buttigieg is a brilliant hero who served

Donald’s a diaper-dodger who-swerved

22 40

Such joy to see this dream of a family coming true💕 Congratulations to the new fathers with an exciting journey ahead, and -

49 335

got reminded of Pete Buttigieg's campaign dance

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“Congratulations to “Pete Buttigieg" our new
Transportation Secretary who happily is -replacing

45 92

I'm giggling that the last name of our first openly gay cabinet member is "Buttigieg". 😭😅

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If you look closely, I think the extra in the white robe just might be Mayor Pete Buttigieg!

Our review of the classic-era Harnell story “The Romans” is now live! Subscribe snd download the podcast now:

1 6

My mentions whenever I criticize Pete Buttigieg or Kamala Harris 😂

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Fortunately, Mr Frydenberg, it is not your job to keep Victorians safe.

Ruben Buttigieg, Mount Martha

21 40

1 PM CENTRAL!!! ---> MAYOR PETE: THE STORY OF PETE BUTTIGIEG Free Book Launch with Author Rob Sanders, Illustrator Levi Hastings, and Editor Christian Trimmer

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Something I've inspired to draw since the Pete Time cover; thank you, , for providing this perfectly candid gaze. And thanks to all of for your enthusiasm:

75 424

With Buttigieg and Klobuchar exiting the race, the average age of the democratic candidates rise considerably.

Cartoon by for

Follow for more!

15 44

Chasten Buttigieg watching his husband tell a crowd he would’ve “jumped on” a pill that made him straight

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🇺🇸🗳️ Sur 53% des bureaux de vote dépouillés, en tête au premier tour (34,4%), loin devant (17,5%), (15,9%) et (13,2%). Au tour final, rassemble 40,4% des suffrages, preuve qu'il attire une partie de l'électorat des candidats modérés.

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