Carmelita x Oliver (Yo lo llamo Carliver), ambos personajes creados por

Referencia a Invasor Zim, momento Gaz y Gir

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Malam ini Skardi Live main GTA xD
dah lama gk nyentuh nih game

Monggo yang mau mampir ke Stream GTA Online nya Skardi :
Jam 19.00 WIB

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2 for 1! An aphid and a ladybug!

Scarlivore are voracious predators with a taste for bug flesh. Their smooth armor is practically impossible to grip.
Dewlap are bugs farmed for their restorative "milk". They suck plant juice and get by through sheer numbers.

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Ahora les presento:

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Live view! Ayuh Jang ke Atok malam ini.

🏆 PL 18/19
⚽️ Cardiff City 🆚 Liverpool FC
🏟 Cardiff City Stadium
📅 Ahad 21/4/2019
⏰ 11.30 p.m.
🖥️ Astro 810/831 HD
🏞️ Atok D.River
🌏 GPS 02’42.6”N , 101’57.2”E
🎨 artwork by

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