Welcome to the CDC’s newest director

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The CDC’s recent announcement that the Delta variant has an average reproductive number of 6-9 has a lot of people concerned & many are asking me about whether this means we need COVID boosters.

Let’s talk through the math of how we might decide!

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I would risk it all for the Taiwan CDC’s COVID-19 anime girl

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Proud of my country🇬🇪 & support!
“Despite the challenges of rebuilding after the fall of the Soviet Union.., become a model country for

A Neutral Hub Brings Disease Detectives Together -

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CdC’s è un marchio italiano ecosostenibile che affronta il riciclo del pallone da calcio. Il materiale è studiato per resistere a enormi pressioni,quindi vengono scuciti,puliti,colorati e assemblati in diverse forme. Tutti i prodotti della linea Pangaea sono cuciti a mano👏😻

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Space Pirate - The Cartographer
the CDC’s month theme inspired me so much, so i’ve decided to create a series of portraits about some members of the crew. She is the cartographer.

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