# roll20

Babu! CW // Garam , Garem
Ini selalu kejadian kalo sender build support yang gabutuh-butuh amat cRate atau cDMG, bagus nya ini di pake kesiapa ya?

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tehe! ngotak ngatik stat neuvillette...
stat 1 = hp 32k cdmg 233%
stat 2 = hp 39k cdmg 189%
klo gini mending gede hp atau cdmg?😔

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Babu! Boleh minta bantuannya untuk memilih antara dua build ini?
Atas: circlet atk
Bawah: circlet cdmg

Apakah ada saran lain untuk memperbaiki buildnya selain up lv char, wp, dan talent? Terima kasih banyak.

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Ngepull Aqua buat Childe biar cdmg gede ❌
Berakhir kesusahan seimbangin ratio atk ✅

Tapi gpp yang penting Childe gnteng 😎☝🏻

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Babu! Minimal atk, crate:cdmg, er kaeya brpa ya? Atau yg ngebuild dia boleh share buildnya hehe mau aku contek, makasii

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the buffs were: cr/cdmg and +30% def x2 O_O
you can Never go wrong with raiden national.......... it was my first time trying a 2 geo 2 anemo team and it was really fun!! (the only silver lining of this hellish abyss rotation)

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Hi all! Tonight, Tuesday, June 27th at 5pm PST, I will be doing the second Patron Live Drawing Q+A on the Collateral Damage Discord channel. I'll be working on CDMG alternative character tokens.

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forget abt likes- heres my dps build- 2p vv 2p glad// timepiece with atk, goblet with anemo dmg bonus, hat with cdmg/crate// weapons could be black sword if you whaled (what im using) freedom sword, or iron sting (hod may work?) go build him or i will fight u/j

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Quick mTL
String of Thunder - 5* 46 Base Attack, 14.4% CDMG
+20% Atk. Can acquire up to 3 Seals of Thunder which increase the damage of Normal Attacks by 12/24/40%.
Seals are from Normal Attacks (5s), Elemental Skills (10s), and while having <100% Energy.

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Blackcliff is amazing even without its effect as its stat is CDMG. It works best on mobs with less HP as you can stack its effect and get even more ATK% that way, but again, it's still amazing without it. For Physical you'd still be better off with Pike but for Sub DPS/Hybrid

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Mana harus include cryo res demi 2,8k tanpa pengurangan er sama cdmg 💀💀 ak yang supportnya cryo semua:

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will be available on marketplace later this year!

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