1. Wake up
2. Drink coffee ☕️
3. Buy a Spesh 🦎

Don’t forget, UR Special!

8 36

Today feels Super Special 🦸🏻‍♂️

3 28

Waller Wednesday at . Let’s see your favorite Wall Street Spesh.

10 59

Christmas came early!

Thanks for my lovely nude spesh much love 🤍

1 26

My 100th is… everyone’s favorite…

Huckboy ✨🍿

2 21

Stripes is my fave because it's the trait I think that most embodies the dino world... all camoed up to hunt for exit liquidity

0 1

My favorite trait is the dinosuit.

It’s currently my favorite animal of all time idgaf if people tell me they’re extinct. I love em 🦖

0 5

1. Wake up
2. Drink coffee
3. Buy by

I have 95 bebes. I should stop now, right ?

0 9

Cape 🦸🏻‍♂️ is my favorite trait because will fly again!

0 4

my nude needs a nude brother 😍 his only trait is my favorite, the face tattoos. With rain comes flowers, just like the tattoos he has!

1 3

1. Wake up
2. Drink coffee
3. Buy

Guard the gems 💎

0 7

1. Wake up
2. Drink coffee
3. Buy

🐛 is one of my favorite Babies. How did I do, ?

0 10

1. Wake up
2. Drink coffee
3. Buy my 69th

Welcome, number 69 🍄

1 16

1. Wake up
2. Drink coffee
3. Share the you bought last night

Huckboy, Spesh & Anti-Spesh

0 6

Wake up
Drink coffee
Buy a Spesh

Am I doing this right, ?

0 7