5 April 2020 (Ahad)

Bilangan pesakit yang telah sembuh adalah seramai 90 kes
Ini menjadikan 1005 kes telah sembuh atau 27.44% daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes

6472 6542

Be safe everyone. The Coronavirus outbreak is not a joke, please for the sake of everyone, stay at home. Make our nation proud. Make everyone proud. Do pray for this outbreak to end.

1 12

Be calm, stay home, binge-watch Kdramas, and don't panic buying. Always wash your hands. This will be over soon, InshaAllah.
Also, Mya turned 12 last weekend. Happy birthday!

3 12

The most miserable people are those who care only about themselves, understand only their own troubles and see only their own perspective.

624 691

Please just buy what you need and leave the rest for those in need. Think smart and stay cautious.

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