since the next hot spacecowboys doujinshi won't censor out the graphic ☠️gooshtastic☠️scenes, I'll move the project update's to another account ->

no minors please, it got ns/fw content

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pray for me to finish the hotspace cowboys shitty doujinshi faster so I could pretend that I never make it after it was done

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being the only hot space cowboys no 1# jonathan x leonard shipper is the worst fate ever

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average hot space cowboys fan meeting

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does hot space cowboys counts as straight man yaoi?

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when it comes to my own doujin project, I prioritize my own ideas. Sorry for people who had their own idea of hotspacecowboys

fandom are kinda tiring, so in the end I'm the only consoomer of my own fanart

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have a kazuma kaneko's hot space cowboys for all your troubles

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I know every secrets of hot space cowboys, from unknown trivias, facts to even the cringe side. I have PhD in hotspacecowboys archeology

(the only thing I don't know was the 2 lost manga contents and its advertisement RIP)

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I honestly wanna redo the hotspacecowboys doujin prologue.

So much rough looking drawing/bad panels composition choice + my first time using CSP was for this project ☠️

and I used a shitty default gpen brush when ballpoint yields much better "sharp" results

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is this why lotbw was renamed in US as "hot space cowboys"????? Coz it was set in arizona??????????????????????????????????

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planning hotspace cowboys doujins dialogue sucks coz I found out from the script that the english TL omitted a lot of details (like how johnny is a member of the 81st mobile division etc)

why would you fucking erase that???

wish I could read JP so I could read the script better

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sanest hot space cowboys fan

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I don't get paid for making this dj

if you like my hotspacecowboys doujin, you can donate if you want ->

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will keep working on the hotspacecowboys comic and then I'll forgot about this project's existence once online

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convince your friend that kaz*ma k*neko will adapt hot space cowboys into a S/MT-style game

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everyday I remember their description of hot space cowboys on their official website, it makes me sad coz they wanna do cool radical things with BL genre at the time but gets canned for some reason

even though the company wasn't technically bankrupt after this

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wish I could speedrun so I could be free from the hot space cowboys jail quicker

then I'll pretend it doesn't exist at all after I uploaded it anonymously online \(^o^)/

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ppl making fun of hot space cowboys for calling pluto a planet in the year of 1996, then fast forward today

it was reclassified as a "dwarf planet"☠️

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hot space cowboys (1996)

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hot space cowboys funny moments 2

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