Been wanting to remake my CPS2-ish Gamora for a good bit now. There's a lot wrong with the OG sprite but I'm happy for it showing me how far I've come in just a year!

56 268

I don't remember the last time I made a fully metallic CPS2-ish character, but god did I not miss it at all.

82 362

More PS1 Blue Cat than but I was surprised there weren't that many sprites of her around in the first place!

167 733

Here's the Half-Genie Hero to help switch things up around these parts!

199 826

a compilation of all my CPS2 pixelart i did with news and the olds

i'm proud because i'm still improving my pixelart skills <3

13 35

Was spriting this on and off just cuz, then suddenly came and went and I decided to finally polish her up for release!

288 1607

Still asking myself why I decided on doing another mecha character when I already know I'm not that good at mecha.

169 806

Complex mecha isn't really in my wheelhouse, but I really loved the idea of Ultron Sigma and I wanted to do my take on them regardless!

331 1679

This was in the backlog for a while, but I was able to clean her up a bit in time for posting!

266 1481

Only had enough time to do Mr. Fantastic from . Colors taken from CPS2 Captain America.

14 78

This all just stemmed from the thought of what if in a fighting game Zag could summon the Olympians to help him in a fight like Donovan and his gods.

And also I just replayed Hades again.

99 458

I'd always wanted to do my own take on a Phoenix Wright sprite, so I finally made it happen!

Maya wasn't included at first, but I figured why not?

275 886

Monster Hunter was much harder than I expected, but there's some little details in there that I'm proud of even with the color limit, so it'll do.

1102 5303