UNMASKED - Edit Style

If you like what you see, consider using the code OUTRAGEMK2 in the item shop!

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-コンバットテック ジュールズ-

Fix it on the fly.

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These are the furry cosmetics and emotes that are available today on the Item shop!

Use code FURRYBAIT in the Item Shop to support us!

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These are the furry cosmetics and emotes that are available today on the Item shop!

Use code FURRYBAIT in the Item Shop to support us!

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These are the furry cosmetics and emotes that are available today on the Item shop!

Use code FURRYBAIT in the Item Shop to support us!

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Leven2K's Taco Tuesday Bundle, which includes Guaco (from the Leftovers set) and Lada (from the Taco Time set) is available today! Also comes with the Taco Time emote and Forever Tuesday wrap.

Use code FURRYBAIT on the Item Shop!

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The Stacked Bundle is available today! This bundle includes both Beef Boss and Sizzle (who doesnt even have a back bling, WTH) from the Durr Burger set, as well as a couple extra items.

Use code FURRYBAIT on the Item Shop to support us!

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SCP-1425 Star Signals.

Since i've been feeling 'bleh' and i haven't finished my SCP-7009 art, i decided to reupload the artwork i'm most proud of.

Link to article:

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"Don't mosh with Goff."

Honestly, I didn't expect Goff to get so popular, so here's a full-fledged concept of her, complete with a Cloud Nine style!

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IT'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!! MY BABY IS BACK!!!
USE CODE "LUMIKUMO" IF YOU'RE GETTING IT (which you should) 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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To celebrate me becoming a I drew my FN concepts with my 2 mains 😌💖
If u wanna support me, use sac code "pandapotato" 💖
✨️Follows, likes and retweets appreciated✨️

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SCP-3346 (Worry Hat)

A simple drawing this time for a simple scp. Though, the scp gets quite touchy and sensitive in the end, especially the last testing log.

Link to article: https://t.co/QKTYiFv7dJ

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SCP-2003: Preferred Option (XX890-V LFO System.) + Low effort drawing of SCP-2001 as a bonus.

Had so much fun making my interpretation of the LFO System.

Link to both articles:

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