そういえば には載せなかったんですが、イラストの活用例として合同企業説明会ポスター風にデザインしたものも制作していたので、こちらに載せておきますね😊✨

3 8


轟 焦凍(とどろきしょうと)
爆豪 勝己(ばくごうかつき)

14 172

Watching Snyder cut was so inspirational when I saw Diana in that coat.
Hope the WB made a good choice selecting the next DC movies in the future.
the last one was good (IMO) but this cut was outstanding.

0 0

仕上がった絵よりも描きかけの方が色気増し増しって言われたので載せてみたス f^_^;


0 73

Happy heres some batman and catwoman artworks .what do you guys think.

0 4

Thank you !

In 2021 we will be able to watch this masterpiece by !

And please don't forget fans from other countries!
We also want to subscribe to your streaming service!

25 61