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also important to note that from SF1 to SF3, that's 10 years.

It's only 3 years from Darkstalkers 1 to 3. How is that comparable.

(yeah, it's wack that they didn't give her a new sprite for CvS, but that's the only issue here)

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これぞ! 武神流!!


2 3

Llevo unas semanas dibujando personajes aleatorios de Final Fantasy cada vez que mando un par de CVs de traducción y ya llevo uno de cada título, a ver si los reconocéis

6 23

cvs 2 hibiki crouching fierce my beloved https://t.co/34OuuowpHr

2 10

En Kof94 en la entrada de Rugal se ven varias estatuas que corresponden a algunos personajes de SF. Tal es así que en CvS2 tiene una interacción con Guile rompiendo su estatua https://t.co/4da4yWymd3

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Experimenting a bit with a Makoto in a more CVS style, overall i'm really proud of how they came out!

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3위 네오 맥도날드 !!!
4위 김수일(풍운)
6위 키사라기 에이지
7위 쿠로코
8위 덕 킹
9위 하이데른 ('98에 출전)
10위 진 숭뢰
11위 존 크롤리
12위 진 승수
13위 쿠사나기 사이슈 ('98에 출전)
14위 루갈 번스타인 ('98에 출전)
15위 로렌스 블러드
16위 토도 류하쿠(CVS2에 출전)
17위 홍후(홍푸)

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Those men are ashy at best. DARK??? THESE men are dark skinned. Lord hammercy. These manhwa men are so pale and flavorless that a tan man is considered dark 😩💀 It’s like the drawn version of the drugstore makeup section at CVS 😭😭

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Those men are ashy at best. DARK??? THESE men are dark skinned. Lord hammercy. These manhwa men are so pale and flavorless that a tan man is considered dark 😩💀 It’s like the drawn version of the drugstore makeup section at CVS 😭😭

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2022 is the year when I finally feel okay about my set of SFA/CvS-scale Double Dragon tribute sprites. Today's addition is the alley cat from Mission 1, so I even have a background character.

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Meng Xishi 梦溪石 new audio drama, 《步天纲 Bu Tiangang》
Seem like a 灵异ad, I'm in 😎👍🏻 From some of the cvs wb, they recorded this 3 years ago??? 👀👀

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After Gambit I might have to make something different to get me used to other things.

I had ideas like
- Slash (Waku Waku 7, MotW style)
- Iori (CVS, RBS style)
- Juri (Galaxy Fight, WW7 style)

But really I just wanna make """"Biospark""""

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