Hello, I am Asha and I've partnered with "art.comm" to share my art for a cause. Mode of payment: g-cash: 09167243589 - Rea May P. Berdadero

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We have already sent the money to our target beneficiaries. A total of P7,078.33 remains due to system errors as stated below. Rest assured all of these will be donated tomorrow.

May your kind hearts be blessed always ❤️


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OPENING 5 SLOTS for people who want to donate for

DM me if you need further info!

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[RETWEETS ARE APPRECIATED] Please help me raise emergency funds for my fellow Filipinos who are victims of the typhoon

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please let's help spread this! people in cagayan needs help right now & the best way we can help is donate or retweet! let's hope & pray for the safety of everyone in cagayan 😭🙏🏻

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Hello! I know I'm not good but I'm open po for commission in this artstyle. All the proceeds will be donated to any donation drives that will help victims of typhoon Ulysses specially in Cagayan Valley. Dm for more details.

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LET'S SPREAD THE WORD!!! Let the media know and have them rescued as well. 🙏🏻

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