Cala - Oc
La estoy haciendo sufrir :"3
Pero me gustan como me quedan las expresiones de tristeza

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Sum final hug's for CALA 'N G&S :D

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Willow medusa💚
Siento que tienen bastante en común cala maria medusa y willow
También hice a la emz de que es re linda B/ 💜

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Honnêtement ça fait très longtemps que j'ai pas lu/regardé mais dans mes souvenirs c'était très queer et très cool je crois faut juste pas trop cala la fin mais l'esthétisme est trop stylé

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Desenha o meu menino e cala tua boca babyboy uh uh :3

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been recently trying to learn how to work with a handful of copic and chameleon markers I've gathered over the years because I missed working on paper.

right now I've got just enough colors to draw Cala Maria, aaaand that's about it. 🧜‍♀️

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Random fun fact you guys really don't need to know (actually kinda) part 2 : MY dark cacao sea beast AU was actually not based off black pearl. His design and the whole AU was based off of Cala Maria!

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🧜🏻‍♀️ Cala Maria 🧜🏻‍♀️

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Ya está hecha la encuesta, también os lo comenté en otro tweet, pero lo vuelvo a soltar por si cala más 😅:

Urusei Yatsura, tanto la nueva como la clásica

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ah y sin añadir que ajuro todos mis personajes conocen a éstos tres, y no me interesa si se caen bien o no, la conexión de todos mis personajes nace de conocer a Alexand, Cala o Conan

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I've got Bigen the shoosuva (dnd monster though it is k9 based), Atlas the Ingari (spelled wrong on ref, oops), Cala the crested gecko based charmeleon, and Que the shingleback/sleepy lizard

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Te dije que los iba a estar haciendo , muy bien oc cala jaja

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Phantom of the Opera cast list based on this sketch:
Phantom: Luci
Christine Daae: Devil of course
Raoul: Dice (he will murder to get this role)
André & Fermin: Henchman and Stickler
Carlotta: Cala Maria
Piangi: Briney Beard
Cup kids are in the chorus

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...she could turn me to stone any day just sayin' 👀

A drawing idea I had recently involved cala maria and I didn't really know how to draw her-- so this was a little practice. I think it turned out aight!

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eu tive quatro sonhos lúcidos com uma sombra totosa cuidando de mim, e agora te pergunto.. EU VOU OFICIALIZAR ELA, OLHA SAPORRA AQUI ASDHUASDHUHASU

cala boca, ela é linda, eu gostei tá?

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