Last two members of this CalazCon squad. There will be more squads and their mechs down the line.

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Lieutenant Nakoa "Koa" Voltes - widower, single father, & dishonorably-discharged political prisoner. His reinstated service as a DFS Social/Combat Tactics Officer is tied to his genius daughter's enrollment to the Hestiol Preparatory School System.

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Freshly out of prison on a plea deal to work for the DFS, Edrien “Gossamer” Weaver is a young gothy mining logistics engineer who was radicalized to become a “hacktivist”/”terrorist” but now finds themselves doing PR for the Hestiol Military Academy.

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Another mecha for CalazCon!, which is in its last week of crowd-funding:

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A refugee with no recourse but to fight for the very nation he must now call home. Calico Brave, forewarned of future dangers through religious visions, serves as protector and council to the Blue Sky Endowment on Hestiol.

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A mecha for the actual-play mega-game CalazCon:

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More characters for CalazCon!

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Three of the characters I've illustrated for CalazCon, a Beamsaber (mech piloting RPG!) actual-play that recently launched its crowd-funding campaign.

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Here's a small preview of one of the squads in These four are The 86, a Dismounted squad of the discarded, disinterested, and disillusioned.
When you sign up for notification (link in the reply), you'll get an email letting you know when CalazCon! goes live!

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