"Portrait of a Manatee
I have an underwater camera...and an excellent memory


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doki is too close to the camera... but thankfully this shot is only 6 seconds long

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I used to always walk around with a camera in my hands and take pictures of everything! That's why I have a lot of memories, I need to resume this tradition and finally fix the camera...

Don't forget, I still have 2 illustrations from the collection😍

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Coran finds earth camera...

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Chat rants and raves for Lily to lower the camera... She gives in... and there they are on full display... the stiletto's. The roar from chat could be heard around the world.

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Cloudpaws a bit too close to the camera....📸🐱

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YO I ACTUALLY GOT LEGS AND BOOTS THIS TIME! Gone are the times when you all think I stand on an Amazon box to reach the camera...

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Joseph is painting their initials on his camera...

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Because it was some quick tests, I used my smartphone to capture these images and it worked pretty well! But now I need to find a better camera... 🤔

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"guys I think I caught something NORMAL on camera...." https://t.co/v1vTNDpM4s

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Lights, camera... ACTION!

"who said a cartoon can't be a good opponent?Let's see what you have in mind" https://t.co/SWnC6DUIiF

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Lights...camera...screams! Popular monsters from the cinemas get the Howlers treatment in MOVIE MONSTERS, as each of the authors within twist and subvert expectations in telling stories and create new movie monsters to give you nightmares!

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I just caught you doing that on camera.......

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ARTPOST: Riamu. Tried doing foreshortening stuff with this. It's tough. Making something look like it's further away from the camera...brain hurt.

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Finally built up the courage to make some tiktoks for Lands of Theia and turns on the camera.... and DAMN DO I LOOK SCRAGGLY!!! Scheduled a haircut and will make em tomorrow xD in the meantime, here's a Jackalope x3

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One day when Echo tried using her camera...

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oh to be a touchscreen vending machine camera...
view on fA https://t.co/HJ4mnweD25

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Il "Colascione", a Napoli "tiorba a taccone", risalente al sec. XVII, era uno strumento con un manico lunghissimo (da 1 a 2 metri) e cassa piccola (a forma di pera); veniva usato per la realizzazione del "basso continuo" nei complessi da camera...


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