E per il pezzo di dedicato al su di oggi, ecco l'esordio di con le sue illustrazioni https://t.co/61JwvHqPJc

5 7

Netflix is distributing child porn

Netflix is distributing child porn

Netflix is distributing child porn

Netflix is distributing child porn

Anybody who instructs children to act in a sexual way is a predator and a pedophile

253 1023

Just sending some pics of my favorite animal characters from ATLA and Legend of Korra and they are not amused of Netflix making a live action remake.

4 11

Instead of fucking up YET ANOTHER Avatar adaptation, how bout we get these animated?

419 2300

Me seeing how Netflix wants to ruin one of the best cartoons ever and my favorite show of all time with their stupid game-of-thrones-like teen drama ideas...

2 5

here's another beautiful example of OA fan artwork. With everything presented to you for the last 2 months how can you continue to ignore us? Continue the show you promised us or DO SOMETHING! But don't let languish in nowhere land!

6 30

I've been dying to see "BARRY" on HBO so I think with the money I'll be saving from canceling I'm going to get

9 38

Another great resource to answer some questions you may have about canceling your account go to 's page. But PLEASE don't ask her directly. She's done more than her fair share for this movement. Anyone here would be happy to help you!

3 11

You asked us to believe. Then we watched & then we believed. Have any of those who make the decisions there even WATCHED the show? Or do they just look at the algorithms? Cuz those don't work so well by looking at what you promote to me.

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