New game illustrations for the new Christmas season!
Have a nice day and Happy holiday:)

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Swee pocky day!

But at the same time, today is also Farmers' Day.
That's why today's sweets feel sweeter.
Have a nice Pocky day :)

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Finally landing in Korea!
Due to the success of the animation, I also wanted to play!
I hope this work will broaden my horizons!

“Let’s Go, Uma Musume!”

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How can there be no CarBot D2 characters on Valentine's day!?

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Bad Company
Happy new year~ my friends!
Wishing you a year full of tiger energy🐯👍 Happy SEOLNAL!

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Let the cutest CarBot D2 characters
spend the nice holiday with you!

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It's Chuseok! Please enjoy the holidays safely at home!
Have good luck for a new year🎑
Thank you for always♥

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Finger drawing : Tragedy of Prophecy

I want to drawing big one, just like that but so hard :)

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Abathur: An ally, a significant improvement is required.

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I have a really small break times.
This is my gift for all of my best friend

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늦게나마 닥터D님의 생일축하 일러스트 바치겠습니다!
언제나 귀여운 카봇그림 잘보고있습니다😀
스무번째 생일 축하드립니당☺️

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