-Desculpa Carlin, por ter feito vc vim aqui... independente de tudo ainda vamos ser amigos |#Artistopia2|

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haha i guess i have permission to post more oc stuff now >:D

here is GK (long haired girl) and carlin, shepherd-hunter siblings living in an underworld cave city with ghostly goats (ghoasts)

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hiii I'm sarah from singapore, 20 and i love my ocs ❤️ these two are GK and carlin, shepherd-hunter siblings who live in an underground world filled with goat ghosts ("ghoasts")

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To quote George Carlin, think of how stupid the average American is. Then realize that half the population is stupider than that.

How do these people get out of the house every morning without locking themselves in the broom closet? https://t.co/Y10pbDF5Y7

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carlin, cê n tá precisando de um avatar perfil n?
banners, avatares... entre outros

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Esta realidad, bien retratada por debería producir una profunda vergüenza e indignación.

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