So uh yeah that's something I guess lol.
Also made a version that has a stock explosion in the back cause why the heck not.

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The title of this week's drawing is...
Space Jan.

Terrible puns give me life.
Also if you don't know who is, go check out youtube channel. Is good stuff, trust me.

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The shading part took me longer that expected (mostly because lack of experience) but I think this is good enough. Hope y'all like it, and more stuff coming soon...ish as usual. Next week might be kinda eHHH.

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4K resolution Wallpapers now available for $5 tier Patrons and up!

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Background Pack (20+ BGs) now available for $1 tier Patrons!

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Guys check out newest video, its breathtaking!😮

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01:20AM - Wasn't too happy with the motion, so I tweaked the timing and added some more keyframes. Much better now.

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01AM - Things patched, variations added and accent done. Shot is basically done. I'll get the last shot prepped now.

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TFW you're unmotivated and you know you should be working

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I want YOU to stay tuned for a new update video coming out in a couple days.

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