Thanks for an amazing time at CEOtaku! Here’s most of the ink commissions I did there

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These flight tag designs will be at CEOtaku! Have fun and safe travels to everyone who’s attending. Eat some Popeyes on my behalf. 🥹

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Here's the Cardcaptor Pom I drew for the TFH side bracket at Ceotaku!

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Hey guys thank you all so much for a hugely wonderful event at CEOTaku! Had so much fun meeting such wonderful folks. Your dedication to your games is the same dedication I want to show in my work!

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Ayo we out here at CEOTaku! Come on by dudes!

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Tonight's TXT bracket will be starting in roughly 10 minutes! Come through and watch some Xrd to get hype for CEOtaku!

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Imma be table 9 at CEOTaku! See you there!

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Who's ready to throw hands?

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A Shiki sticker that I will be selling at She was the runner up for the EVO poll after Darli so I wanted to make some content for her. Likely will do a print later on since I want to do more Samsho stuff, bur for now have this sticker P:

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Preview of my submission for the BBxUNI fanzine organized by &

Preorders are open at

The fanzine will be at CEOtaku!

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Preview of my piece for the Blazblue x UNI fanzine hosted by and !!! Ty for letting me be apart of this!!

Go pick one up online or at CEOtaku!!!

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My lovely Osakabe-Hime, as drawn by ~ Thanks again for letting me commission you at CEOTaku!

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I actually can’t believe it... I WON BOTH BBCF AND BBTAG AT CEOTAKU!!!!!!!!

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finished up my flyer for CEOTAKU! come stop by the Subhuman Hours table and say hi!(even if u dont want to buy anything) (pls buy something)

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all set for ceotaku!!!!!! will be selling stuff at the subhuman hours table

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