Another pic made entirely on the phone.

Tencca is showing Moka how cute he is. It's something mom always told him before he ran away.

But he's too young to understand. She hadn't ever been mad at him before that day. The way she dotes on him makes him homesick.

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Moka'Taen or 'Moka' is the spoiled brat of Nea Paw'Lit. He's mocha scented and has his mother's unique colors.

The natural inclination is to cuddle and pet him. But once he speaks you'll likely want to dunk him in a trash can instead. He means well though.

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Good morning!

This phone "painting" is of Lilac, Kabitu's best friend. While all the other buns were busy playing, Lilac's interests were the pretty clouds in the sky.

You know how extroverts "adopt" introverts? Kabitu took Lilac on her journey to reach the sky.

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Design sketches and doodles of Kabitu from my story

Kabitu was born from a torch as a fire elemental, a kitty bunny critter. She could only move on flammable things. Eventually she could walk, grew wings and became friends with the sky, as a sun spirit.

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