I could only partake in a single exchange this year and, of course, I'd go with the SK themed one (LOL!) Image 1 is the one I made for . Image 2 is one made for me by (thank you!)

15 40

Some random sketches I plan to finish at some point (first one a redraw of a scene from the series; the second inspired by a comment made on some awesome Razor fanart). :)

Chance Furlong/Jake Clawson @ Tremblay Bros.

22 86

Not sure what he's looking at to get that kind of expression; but Chance looks happy, and that's all that matters. XD

16 83

Couldn't resist doing one of these screengrab redraw thingies. (posting the OG screengrab for the sake of comparison).

22 82

Report but Thailand version + English version this time.

:v 👌 My oc Kaite begin goofy and da boy like her(?).

1 5

Another SWATkats Fanart but it's Oc x Canon and you can't stop me for doing it. 🤪👌

Chance thought my Oc katie in trouble ,so he go save her but....

3 7

Another SwatKats fanart but just Chance
** 2 version Dirty and Clean **
"I'm handsome i know"
Chance Furlong never say that,lol

2 11

Who wants to go for a ride? :)

Fanart by yours truly! :)

61 174

It took me forever to make a proper reference of aka Front, Back, and both sides with both costumes. I may or may not plan to make it into >.>

10 38