Un Bingo de 25 c'était pas assez....
Je... J'ai fais un truc...

2 7

I remember doing one of these about a year ago, so I thought it'd be fun to try again. Let me know if you bingo! :)

3 15


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I didn't feel right leaving the characters in my recent uncredited. So if you wanna check out any characters you didn't recognize, here are their names and what they're from

0 10

Oh man drawing all the characters in a sheet is tough, but I like it better then just taking images. I hope people like this sheet. Please RT with your favs marked. Thanks and Love!

I could use a Ko-Fi after all this> https://t.co/OLrfVtAEjN

7 10

why did I do this to myself there are too many characters to choose from

0 31

เล่นในเฟซบุ๊คไปแล้ว มาเล่นในทวีตบ้าง--- //ประกาศให้โลกรู้ว่าใครผัวเรา----

3 10

So I did the thing... this is how it works right?! 😂🤷‍♂️

1 4

Here's my 'proper' Let see which character you like as well.

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This turned out to be pretty eye opening!
I'm not ashamed shadow is in there. Not at all.

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//shrugs I need one separately for like just skeletons lmao

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