Happy birthday to the one… the only… rock hard holy man from Check Please!


It’s this big lug’s special day and we hope that one day he can find his own way

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Happy birthday to the one… the only… rock hard holy man from Check Please!


It’s this big lug’s special day and we hope that one day he can find his own way

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Character by

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Out of all the Check Please! And Snake Eyes characters I felt that Pae’dor would be immediate to jump on the challenge and flexible enough to do it as well!

Cocky little wolf child….

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A very happy belated birthday to our beloved high elf bard, Sol!

Their birthday was on the 8th of August!

We hope that wherever you are it’s a party whenever you want it to be~

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A belated happy birthday to our favorite gnome summoner and inventor Lovette!

Her birthday was on the 6th of this month and we hope you all wish her a happy birthday as well!

(Art by )

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I’d like to imagine that the two of them would be really fun and sassy friends together
They got that chaotic pan energy to bounce off each other

(Art by me)

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Exciting news!

We got approved to have the Podcast on iTunes and other podcast services and we are so excited to expand to farther reaches!

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Thanks to everyone who stopped by the stream today! I got 2 pieces done!

One of my beloved Alec and the other of a title card for Check Please!

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A year and a half ago I made my very first title card for Check Please! Today I wanted to revisit that piece and see how far I’ve come
Thank you Check Please! You are the passion project that I will love for years

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