082: "Black Leg" Sanji

This guy's been my favorite of the Straw Hat crew since he was introduced, despite his blatantly obvious character flaw.

I really need to catch up on the series if for nothing else than to see if he's improved.

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081: Naberius Kalego

I want more backstory on this dude. The longer this manga goes, the more questions I have.

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080: Tomouki

I blame for growing such fondness for this tragic dork

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079: Yuki Hana

A character I created back in middle school, who eventually grew to become part of a FC x CC pairing

Meet Miror B.'s petite wife

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078: Miror B.

The Hippie Outfit was probably my absolute favorite token in our Pokemon Tabletop game, and the one that saw the most development and events for Miror B.

I still miss it. It just seems to work for him.

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077: Simon

This is probably the most obscure one on the list. Amazing how this funky little dude is the reason I continued drawing to this day, even if the character and the music don't really influence me anymore.

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076: Bo Summers (Sylvari Ver.)

I regretted this decision the second I started inking...
But ended up very happy with the final result.

Tree people are hard to draw, even if it's just a leafy overlay of your character.

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075: Shane

Sad Chicken man is my second fave. I love how Eric handled the very real and dark side of depression, and didn't just magically make him "All better" later. Depression is a long battle that may never truly end completely.

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074: Overlord Alexander

Doubles as a bit of a gift to as this was the muse she had that brought us together in the beginning!

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073 - Nicolae

I cannot believe it's been actually years at this point since I last drew this shady "businessman".

And I think some of you can see where some of my influences come from in a much more wholesome character compared to Nicu here.

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072: Novus Angellite (Pokemon Tabletop Edition)

I'm starting to wonder just how many variants of Novus I actually have in my pocket...

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070: Elliott

No matter how many times I play, I always end up gravitating towards his quirky adorkable man!

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069: Ashley the bar wench

You ever get that 1 character a client owns that you enjoy drawing so much that you feel nostalgic for when it's been literally years since you last drew them?

That's this character for me!

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067: Digimon Emperor

I adored the hell out of this character as a kid. I hated his sloppy redemption arc.

They did my boy dirty. They dulled his edge! Took away the wit and snark that made him a good villain!

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066: Grimsley

I would love to know a lot more about this character, but at the same time--the lack of canon makes him a blank notebook to fill up with one's own speculations.

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065: Wallace

Wallace was one of my absolute favorite gym leaders growing up. He was a water trainer that actually had me struggle when battling, and I was sad he didn't have a larger role in the anime.

Not fond of his newer design tbh... Ah well.

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064: Fauna

Honestly I never gave Fauna that much thought prior to New Horizons. Coco was always the "Normal" villager for me.

But heck. She's cute as a button!

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063: Newn, the Mute

Novus and Bo are my babies, there's no denying that, but Newn has actually been one of my favorite GW2 avatars to play with. If you ever see the little mute blueberry Sylvari running around, /wave and say hi!

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062: Zakumi (Pokemon Tabletop)

I don't think Hikari, has a twitter, But she DO have an Art Tumblr: https://t.co/5ijWQfPxcm

I swear every other Cross session we have, Trudly and Folly will say something along the lines of "I miss Zakumi"

10/10 best nursemom

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061: Flareon

If I were to pick a favorite Eevolution, it would probably be Flareon just because it's so fluffy.

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