is now the propaganda of Just dump it and move to other platform

8 28

to should be a global & united issue, each country should stand firm & sanction 🇨🇳 due to it’s evil act
Otherwise, we would become another 😢

0 2

My cartoon for tomorrow. Something of a dictatorship growing in government it seems.

23 30

Pray for muslims in china”) don't have to be Muslim to speak up,you have to be A HUMAN.

207 241

On a Christmas Card, 6-year-old Florence from finds a secret note:

—“We are Foreign in Qingpu Prison in Forced to work against our will. PLEASE US & NOTIFY HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANISATIONS."

287 306

You don't need to be Muslim to defend them, you just need to be human to defend them

1422 1166

it’s so sad how the world choose economic benefits over humanity.

6422 4861

Vcs tem nocao do q ta acontecendo?????
A historia ta se repetindo
Eles ja tem ate campo de concentração
Ate as criancas tao sofrendo,ninguem ta escapando
Tenho vergonha de ser um ser humano
ONU?? cade vc anjo????

425 638

You don't need to be Muslim , you just need to be human

1698 1443

It's almost 2020 and the hate don't stop. 😭

788 861

The disgusting acts of violence against Muslims shouldn't be hidden from media. They deserve attention and justice

2424 3003

You don’t need to be a muslim to say the truth,despite what is the religion! muslims are humans too. Stop what happening in china🇨🇳.If the murder was a muslim the world would go LOUD and do everything but when the victim is a muslim they dont guve it attention

765 519

Muslims are being killed, raped and tortured just because they are Muslims.What kind of JUSTICE is that? Believing and practicing Islam does not make you a terrorist!

2844 1735

Our hearts together with eastern Turkestan

349 440