A stunning picture of Renn with… could they be Sea-eagles? Though of different colours, her eyes are as intent as the eagle’s eyes! Save £2.99 on WOLFBANE https://t.co/boA2nq1DmY

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Remember Spirit Walker? This is a reader's watercolour of The Crag on Seal Island. I feel it evokes a clear sense of that place. Save £2.99 on WOLFBANE https://t.co/boA2nq1DmY

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These characters are so important in the series. My own images of them are in my head. I'm delighted to see how others imagine them! Save £2.99 on WOLFBANE https://t.co/boA2nq1DmY

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Torak’s only ally is an orphaned wolf cub. Now he is never alone. Wolf is his pack-brother. Save £2.99 on WOLFBANE https://t.co/boA2npK1Yo

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I am always intrigued to see how Renn is portrayed and which aspect of her character comes through in the artwork. Save £2.99 on WOLFBANE https://t.co/boA2nq1DmY

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Remember Oath Breaker? The Deep Forest… the Bright Beast that eats the Forest and panicked horses running, like this one, from the flames. Save £2.99 on WOLFBANE https://t.co/boA2nq1DmY

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Imagine winter in Torak’s world, where one mistake would cost your life. I love how the artist has captured a sense of the bear’s movement. Save £2.99 on WOLFBANE https://t.co/boA2nq1DmY

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Fa lies wounded. In the first book but so important to what happens in the rest of the series. Notice the claw marks and paw print! Save £2.99 on WOLFBANE https://t.co/boA2nq1DmY

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This picture of Torak was drawn by a reader who was re-reading Wolfbrother during quarantine. The artist called it Torak the man, the myth, the legend! Save £2.99 on WOLFBANE https://t.co/boA2nq1DmY

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We have a champion! PicnicPie's illustration of Renn saw some stiff competition, but is this week's Clan Champion!

Don't forget to tune in TONIGHT for Michelle Live @ https://t.co/sc0zxaYb3I !

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The world of Torak can be a dark and scary one, at times - and the Demons of the Otherworld even more so, as this illustration by Polecat suggests.

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