is THE book for time travelling into cyberpunk futures. Not a setting, it gives you the tools to create your own futures! Full of tools, subclasses, spells, cybernetic augmentations, items, and of course, monsters.

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It's been available for digital download for months, but now it's finally here. now available for Print-on-Demand with .

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I'm going to be at in Melbourne this year and I thought I should put together a double-sided flyer for my new release for The to the Future. Wondering if anyone here has advice for anything that should be included?

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In what has been the culmination of over a year's worth of work, the Chronomancer's Guide to the Future is now available for digital download! Print is pending! Get your digital copy today!

39 100

I think in two hours I'll set from private to public and just let everyone go ham on it. What are ya'lls thought? Also, slightly updated cover!

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It's done. is now ready to be printed. Time to send it to and see what they think?

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I've made one-shots with before, but I haven't put them to paper. Today the guide gets thicker as I add a new level 1 adventure titled "The Infernal Paradox - An Adventure Through Time." Designed for GMs to introduce time travel to an existing or new campaign!

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Sent out a copy of the to at the ! Now to play the waiting game and hope we can get Print-On-Demand! Thank you to everyone who got us this far. ❤️

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talks about cybernetic augmentations in the future. Genetically Engineered Nano-bots, Bio-Mechanical Implants, Hydraulic Exo-Skeletons, it never ends.

If you could upgrade your PC right now, what would they get? Laser Eyes?! Go-Go-Gadget Arms?!

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Updated covers and content on the . Chronomancy & Squared Circle traditions now coincide with the impending release of If you want a sneak peek of those two classes, they on SALE!

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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the comments, likes, new follows, and retweets today re: Another playtest happening this weekend! Looking forward to showing more about it. I'm "this" close!

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