Norway was still for a moment in the face of that onslaught, Sweden's mouth firm against his own, something he hadn't felt in years, still dizzyingly familiar.

It's just part of the negotiations, all of this,…

12 49

A Jungian bunion
Popped up on my toe

Don’t know if it’s born
Of my id or ego

It’s willful & wonton
These two things I know

Make up our convos

And tho I don’t like him
I can’t make him go

2 16

They called it the Golden City. Aipes gathered here to exchange ideas and to temporarily unplug from the Grand Aipes Nerve. Many lost themselves on circuitous paths.

9 29

A little late night diversion, just a bit "Circuitous" at 30x30, before I wander off to bed.

16 81

Tonight at 7 EST: More KENTUCKY ROUTE ZERO! We've gotten off the main highways and are on a weird circuitous underground route! I think? I don't know, this game is weird! Tune in to to help me figure it out!

0 1

Hasten your appendage to seize the circuitous fruit!

1 12

One, circuitous path: to or for voxel remesh, then for cubic projection UVs, then over to 5.2 beta.

0 5

Just wrapped up work on the Circuitous series. It was a fun challenge sorting out the geometry and scaling to achieve continuity across tile sizes.

18 180

Making a circuitous return back to 's Chaos and , Rudy Rucker has a Github repository with a program based on the Chaos book! A nice tour of Mandelbrot sets, physics simulations, and strange attractors.

3 14

I long suspected this - but never had data to prove it 'til now (

Street-network sprawl is much worse in UK than in (most) 🇪🇺

This means: low street connectivity, + circuitous routes, + cul de sacs, 1/3 way intersections.

And more car dependence!

26 55

Completely forgot to mention that I solved dual-rail path-sweeping. Still need to get it working as one would expect for closed/circuitous rails:

0 0

The Circuitous, Disingenuous Nature of Nostalgia in Video Games

1 8

Apatchie were known to traverse secret
trails stretching from hither to a far away
yon. A-mazing, eon to dappled eon with
circuitous verve.

6 16