This Sunday’s in collaboration with ’s is 1963 French film Le Mépris (Contempt) as a meta take on The Odyssey & Classics starring Brigitte Bardot & Jack Palance. New to me, join us 3/7 at 2PM EST, 7PM GMT!

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the amount of abs and pectorals in this scene is astounding

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Family are watching Footloose & the soundtrack is blaring “Where have all the good men gone & where are all the gods?” Exactly..

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As we are in Thebes now, it’s the perfect time to upload this topical meme....

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Some much lighter fare for next week’s Asterix, The Gaul (cartoon) 1968 (1 hour) + Asterix and Cleopatra (1 hour) Free on Amazon Prime. Sunday, August 16 at 2 PM. Venite nobiscum!

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we've got another scheduled this Sunday, starring Eleanor of Aquitaine. Who's in? :)

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