画質 高画質

"It matters more what's in a woman's face than what's on it."- Claudette Colbert.

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EXCLU : on a retrouvé le de Claude !

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New artwork for sale! - "Bonjour Claudet" - http://t.co/KpEOPmaFzs

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Claude and Sebastian looking really cute~

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LOVE the beautiful animation for Claude Debussy's birthday today on Google.

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Claude y su inseparable calcetín pelusa de espera en la consulta del médico sonriente.

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つきのみやえき | kirero二日目シ-25a http://t.co/OLlQTPlsds key-claudeさまで描かせて頂いたイラストを投稿してきました

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Claude Lorrain - Arbre et rochers près d'un ruisseau - Tree and rocks near a brook vers 1635

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Claude just met Pepe le Pew. Not happy.

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What Claude crab and Blue starfish look like. Illustrated by Eric Heyman

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::: Gorgeous Surrealism by Jean Claude Desplanques at Bon Expose: http://t.co/BNHZzBknIQ

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Claude Monet, Vase of Tulips, 1885

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"Hey! I'm with my sea friends Blue the starfish and Claude the crab and were going exploring, fancy coming?"

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Follow Curly the octopus on twitter, and meet his sea friends, Claude the crab and Blue the starfish.

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Claude Monet ~ Fishing Boats, Calm Sea, 1868


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FISH NEWS: A beautiful day on the coral reef. Curly the octopus is out exploring with his friends Claude and Blue.

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