Horizontober day 11: Fire
I just think Fire Clawstriders are neat :)

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Finished the other day and loved it!! Drew some fanart of Aloy with my Clawstrider i rode around on the entire game. Named her Juniper 🌿

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2 Betas from 2 of my fave franchises: horizon forbidden west + jurassic world dominion

feat. raptor Beta in some armor, because she's not about to take on a clawstrider without it. she looks like a tiny thunderjaw 😊

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To all the fans for whom an official set isn't enough: I am glad to finally offer you the instructions for the Clawstrider. You can get them here: https://t.co/YDSQhzjxVb

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have a clawstrider gf... *dies from complex design*

also literally the first thing that caught my eye when looking at the trailer for horizon: forbidden west

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On patrol.
I started this a long time ago but didn't have time to finish it. Today I had time so....here it is.

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Aloy and Clawstrider Fanart by me.
I drew on shrink plastic and was going to make Aloy keychain. Then I took a photo and edited on Photoshop, adding some easy foreground and background.

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Clawstrider: *has chainsaws for teeth*
Aloy, probably: That's friend-shaped.

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