thank you for collecting the ℜ𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔰 I wish you all the best. If you're lucky it will become a 1/1, and we will find out on Sunday 18th

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👁‍🗨👁‍🗨 WITNESS
to imagine, to consider, to realize, to dream, to hope
1 of 1
・̑◡・̑Thank you 👀
emotional response

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✨ My FIRST Nft Art Sale " Trash Can Queen has been given a new home with ...thank you !!!
may she reign supreme ;-)


10 20

L.A.B 2 : the feeling of joy after taking the leap and leaving the inhibitions behind. Dark v.👉objkt 32545

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In 1974, performance artists Abramović and Ulay did "Relation In Time" where they sat for hours with their hair knotted to each other’s.


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