Some doodles I did earlier this week. The work grind has been -real-. But I am finding ways to survive.

Ya'll already know Alaryn & Aeris, but I slapped together some scribbles of two other random clowns: Cerno and Herrick. Side/BG characters that I have grown fond of.

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Linja Vs The Manneclowns:
Bastante cortito pero muy prometedor
Me ha encantado este juego, la estética es bonita, la música es muy buena, los controles se sienten muy bien y los diseños de personaje son simples pero muy geniales
Tengo muchas ganas de ver cómo avanza!

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My brother and his comedy trio are heading back to Edinburgh this year with their new show Bad Clowns: INVASION!

Here's an image I drew of them!

If you're in Edinburgh they're there all of August at the Gilded Balloon Teviot at 1:30PM!


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these clowns:
*opens comic book to first page* "ah, clearly media for children"

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It's and mine's about crime-fighting clowns:

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Meet Offbeat Clowns: triggering since Pennywise in Stephen King's It. The Offbeats collection reimagines the round face 'smiley' with a motley crew of characters. Aesthetic stolen from the 80s and 90s.

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GM 🤩 - TY wei998 for buying Baby Thanos on 🥰

3/4 unique 1/1 baby villains are still available. The 4 artworks also fit together like a puzzle.

Baby Clowns: previous collection (sold out):

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Them: are you at hhn?

me, forcibly trapped in my country, thinking about clowns:

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The Capsules on their way to fight The Clowns:

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Bad Clowns: INVASION! 👽

I'm lucky enough to be going to see brand new theatre show at it's premiere on Friday, so I decided to draw it's cast!


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i said today i was gonna draw clowns and by god i am drawing clowns: meet Zeppil, A Cerulean mime that has turned away from heresy to accept the Church as her own. Works as a spy (Phantomime) and is my purpleblood Harlin's current flush crush

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Tagged by 💕4 fave arts I did during 2020 // surprisingly, there are so much more arts I still love fff

taggin these clowns: / / /

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Strawberry Clowns!

I plan on making these when I get some time after all orders I have now are fulfilled~
They will be limited edition clowns: only 2 of each! I'll probably bring them back each summer or maybe every 6 months.

Let me know what you think!

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New thumbnail for Send in the Clowns: A Musical Review Podcast! You can check out our first episode here

If you enjoy our podcast we are small little babies so reviews help us out a ton!

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Season 3 of Bad Clowns: FILM PITCH launches tomorrow morning! On our first episode we open the Bad Clowns Hotel! Who will be checking in?




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Literal Clowns: "Digital Games are the future"


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A bunch of clowns: invent "eco-friendly" coffee stirrer that runs on carbon-fueled electricity, using non-renewable resources with parts that can't be recycled.

Me: *Facepalms* And holds up the ultimate eco-friendly stirring device

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