March 21st is Donají's birthday! 🎉
Spring is here, and is almost out!
Decided to do a traditional watercolor for a change.

84 449

Béelia, Donají's mother, is one of my favorite characters. Today is her birthday so I decided to draw her.

57 354

A Fire Among Clouds (book 1)
This is the cover art!

You can now PREORDER your copy of the graphic novel! (link below)
Release date is scheduled for April 4th✨

233 1031

私の好きなアステカ王は、第8代アウィツォトル陛下です。カミロさんが、格好いいアウィツォトル陛下が出てくる漫画 を描かれています。全人類に読んでほしい。
【私が以前描いた FAN ART 再掲します】

21 98

Nosukuさん sent me yet another wonderful fan art of this time General Tliltototl! With this she has already drawn the top three figures of the Mexica military in the comic, along Motecuhzoma II and Ahuizotl.

31 201

Donaji and Itzcacalotl bring you a very important announcement about
Happy holidays! 🎁

53 226

Dressing for adventure.
Digitalized a doodle from months ago to break an art impasse I've been going through.

18 137

New character bios!
Cosijoeza, Ahuizotl, Motecuhzoma and Tliltototl, all of which have already made their debuts in the webcomic. They're all real historical characters as well.
(All birthdates are fictional, the real ones are all unknown).

61 232

Here's my a mere hobby in which I've been working tirelessly over 3 years,
A Mesoamerican epic adventure series.

Available in Spanish and English on Tapas!

61 202

drew this beautiful fan art of Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin, as seen in Ahuizotl's there too!


19 85

"I am the true protagonist"
I tried experimenting a bit with my rendering process, but it doesn't look at all like what I wanted to achieve. Will probably have to start looking for tutorials.
BG is inspired in Cacaxtla's murals.

26 135

in a nutshell.
Someone told me that Donaji reminded them of this meme, so I had to do it.

17 106

It's Thursday!
Chapter 7, pages 50-51 now online.
Only 9 pages left for the chapter's end!

(Links below)

15 46

Today, April 27th, is General Tliltototl's birthday.
I wanted to draw him in the tlacatecatl's everyday attire, rather than the military one.
It was supposed to be a quick and rough doodle, but I ended up detailing it automatically.

22 118

The Bat Monster's panel in the last update was covered by speech bubbles, so here's a clean version. There's more of them to come.

20 91

These covers are counterparts:

Somber VS Colorful
Red-Green VS Blue-Orange
Stable VS Dynamic
Religious VS Military
Zapotec VS Mexica

14 84

It's been a long wait, but Codex Black is back!
Chapter 7: "Tidal Wave" starts now!

56 268

Characters of from the comic series You should read it when you get the chance.

80 441

Did very few fully colored works this year, but these are my faves. All from my webcomic,
Next year I wanna try more dynamic poses!

41 188