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(Posted by ABigShotWithCoke:

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Whenever someone asks me why I gave up Red Bull for tea and Diet Coke:

0 12

Mitch: “Pronouns? Oh man, He/Him i think? Yeah that still sounds right! what're yours, friend?”

Mitch, about Coke: “The little guy? Well, the only words they’ve said are ‘goo’, ‘gaga’, and ‘twinkie’, so we’re still figuring it out. I’ll keep you posted.”

0 1

Coke: . . . . .

(which one does this want anyway
wait for something 1 to 10)

0 2

Coke: . . . . . . . . . . .
(drop your first game, your favorite game, your favorite pokémon, and your favorite trainer)

0 0

Dear dead-brand-formerly-known-as

I don't discriminate against non-whites.

I do however discriminate against companies that judge people based on race.

So take your racist "whiteness" sensitivity and shove it up your hole.

5 11

Coke: . . . . . .

(Good Morning
this i like twain)

8 71

Coke: . . . . . . . . . .

(I hope you liked your draws
They come from my heart
Soon the other draws will be ready)

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