/describe version of yours

a painting of an intricate tower on top of a hill, in the style of mosaic-like collages, intricate cityscapes, dark beige and turquoise, mesmerizing colorscapes, high quality photo, lively illustrations, ottoman art --ar 85:128

0 3

Auction ended🕊️

'Colorscapes 07' has sold to , thank you and huge congrats Liko🤍


4 31

'Colorscapes 07'

Current bid: 1 ◎ by

🔗 https://t.co/6VUKnUGAnw

1 3

Auction Update🕊️

'Colorscapes 07' on

Reserve: 1 ◎
Increment: 0.3 ◎
Ends in 16 hours

Place the first bid through the link below🤍

12 27

A symbol of passion, a representation of growth🎨

'Colorscapes 07' will be auctioned today! on

5 11

Had a lot of fun collecting on so far. 🙌 Two pieces form artists I've not known before. Love the neon vibes and colorscapes.

«Incidental Answers by
🔗 https://t.co/wu9zAzKCXE

«The Forgotten Cluster 5» by
🔗 https://t.co/7sReVbRBRa

6 28