Lots of new dinosaurs here! I'll make their profile later.

Names in order:

1 - Novavenator rex ( Sauropod )

2 - Mageraptor mirificus ( Compsognathidae )

3 - Volcanospinus krakatoensis ( Stegosaurid )

4 - Mudimimus indencis ( Plesiosaurid )

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Ubirajara jubatus life restoration (dorsal mane interpreted as a hypothetical taphonomic displacement of the filaments)

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Dinovember Day 6.

Compsognathus longipes
Meaning: "elegant jaw"
Length: 1 m(3 ft)
Weight: 0.83 kg(1.8 lbs)
Lived: Late Jurassic Europe
Prey: small reptiles, mammals, insects, carcasses, possibly other dinosaurs of similar size.
Family: compsognathidae
Named: 1859

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