Spend an unforgettable night with the sexy merchant Kyoichiro now... He'll take good care of you❤

Once these stories are saved in your Album, they're yours to enjoy whenever you like!

Run to him♪

2 16

Your night with Hotaru...
Be embraced by this man tonight in Consummate Moonlight❤ Can you handle the heat?

Once these tales are saved in your Album, they're yours to enjoy whenever you like!

Don't miss out!

4 18

Fourth installation of the Consummate Moonlight series!
If you enjoyed the first three, be sure to get this one too!

Once they're saved in your Album, they're yours to enjoy whenever you like!

Check his story out♪

3 15

The third sly ninja of the Consummate Moonlight series... Hanzo is here to warm you up♪
Story Event now available for purchase outright!

Once they're saved in your Album, they're yours to enjoy whenever you like!

Don't miss out!

5 29

Second installation of the Consummate Moonlight series, Sasuke is here!
Another hot night with a sexy Ninja...

Once these tales are saved in your Album, they're yours to enjoy whenever you like!

He's waiting❤

4 25

First night with the love of your life...
Consummate Moonlight: Sakuya is now available for purchase!

Once these are saved in your Album, they're yours to enjoy whenever you like!

Check it out♪

4 11