My AI art entry as part of the and Ai contest. Here you see my vision of " a brave lady riding a wave through outerspace endlessly " hope you like it 💙🌊👩

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My entry for the AI contest. Cash and NFT prizes on the line including a surfer!

See link for details👇🏽

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I am participating in another cool contest using
We were called to generate Ai art using certain words in our prompts🔥
Here is my submission to the contest 😍
I really love the result
Wish me luck 😉🤞🪄

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My entry for the AI Art contest :)

I hope you'll like it ❣️✨❣️

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Bringing brave and badass ladies to life in and discord with fellow surfers from , using Midjourney bot! Feel free to join us!

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Played a bit with Midjourney in the Discord, quite fun!

Prompt was: a brave and fierce lady steers her boat through a giant wave

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