Believe it or not, this was actually requested by the creators of I believe you can actually find it in-game if you look for it.

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Copykitty. This strange cat takes on the form of those who see them.
(includes some friend's OCs)

7 39

Pass pass pass! Boki Strikers! Her crystals paws concentrate a lot of will power! She trained for this!

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final doodle before drawtober thing... v fast

12 31

Finished another Art Fight attack! This one is for CopyKittyCat ^^

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Lots of Copykitty

Part of a server collab thing, I made a copykitty that copied the other entrants, so I made one for everyone. Way too many people to mention them all.

Full size:

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World 4 - The Underground

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leaving to go back home tomorrow, but here's a picture before I go! Some floating islands

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Happy holidays everyone! Here's a preview of the new boss!

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Boki finally goes outside - a VR simulation of Aisnoda. Virtual outdoors still counts, right?

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speaking of bugs though, here's the database picture for Savant's species, the Ploctites

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forgot to post a screenshot today, have a Konthet instead!

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new Boki graphics are all done now! :o

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blooper screenshot, this happened when trying to redo some animations

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Some fan art! Pizu's working on a whole world of his own too, go check it out!

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Copy Kitty - the forest is much more deadly on hard mode!

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twitter supports gifs now, woo! It doesn't work for gameplay videos though, they're too large

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a little unusual pic today - not a screenshot, but Raibys tried out some pixel art of one of the bosses!

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The lightning serpent in action! Click above for the animated version.

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